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Exploring the Austrian Empire Through Music  (Spring 2023)

This honors seminar lasted throughout the spring semester of my freshman year. The class looked at classical composers of the Austrian Empire of the 18th and 19th centuries, namely Beethoven, Haydn, Brahms, Mahler, Schoenberg, Schubert, and DvoÅ™ák. We delved into primary sources such as their compositions and writings, discussing how they responded to changes in their life, as well as the social and political climate of their time. 


A week-long study tour to Budapest, Hungary & Vienna, Austria at the end of the spring term was an opportunity for an immersive experience of these cultures and application of knowledge of its history in person.


In Budapest, we visited architecturally and historically ravishing masterpieces such as St. Stephens Basilica, Dohány Street Synagogue, Matthias Church, Fisherman's Bastion, Hungarian Parliament Building, and the Danube River, among others. In Vienna, we saw beautiful and important sites such as Schönbrunn Palace, The Hofburg, St. Stephens Cathedral, the Vienna State Opera House, the Austrian Parliament Building, the Austrian National Library, and more. 

Budapest, Hungary (photo by me)

What I Learned & How I Was Impacted

This trip had a great impact on my personal growth. Not only did I learn much more about classical music, something I have grown up playing and admiring, I learned the cultural significance between two countries that originally shared many strifes under one empire. I was able to apply my knowledge and make an academic trip into a memorable one, too. I tried new things and navigated a new country with my peers, now lifelong friends, and explored a city that gifted me with memories I will hold onto for life. I learned how to be more adaptable and problem solve on-the-go. With this, I also learned to appreciate and value what may not always be my preference, such as particular musical compositions or foods. During class, I learned how to view and listen to things from different perspectives and consider the context in which these composers wrote. Thanks to this trip, I am a better listener, creative, learner, and friend. I am more intentional; from listening to pieces of classical art, to my moments of appreciation for everyday life. 
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