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My Second Year

My sophomore year of college has brought great personal growth for me. Throughout this academic year, I kept on track with hitting the gym and strength training. I had started the June before the school year, and was nervous about maintaining 18 credit hours, commuting, clubs & activities, and the gym. But it turned out – it was one of the main things that kept me motivated! From the previous summer to the end of the school year, I went to the gym consistently 3-5 times a week. I noticed a huge improvement in my strength, mental fortitude, confidence, and sleep patterns. On days where I felt defeated or overwhelmed by my task load, I would make sure to set the time aside to head to the gym. I knew that the stability of routine would propel me further in the long run, rather than being lazy. Plus, I would find myself bouncing back and focusing better afterwards. The discipline and fight against social anxiety it took to routinely go to the gym, when I struggled with that in particular during my first year, was a huge wall for me to get over. Though with time, encouragement from my close friends and family, and knowledge I gained about working out and strength training, I found the gym to be another safe space where I could feel confident, too.To maintain my growth and dedication to the gym, I remind myself of my purpose. I go to become stronger, feel secure in my own body, and have peace of mind. My long-term goals with going to the gym are to age well and lower the risk of conditions such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s.


This year allowed me to find new routine, but I also stepped into the long-unventured path of dating! This spring semester, marked by significant personal growth, saw me embracing resilience and self-love. Along with my relationship with the gym, it was also largely due to the unwavering support of my partner. Navigating past toxic relationships, their belief in my potential transformed my self-confidence and ability to be vulnerable. I was able to recognize that vulnerability is not synonymous with weakness but rather a testament to the strength and beauty of being human. Being dejected in the past, my mind’s eye was opened with the help of my partner. I can sense that my personality has improved to a more mindful, resilient, and optimistic place!


Moving forward, I am committed to using the resources at my disposal, including the invaluable support network comprised of friends, family, and my partner. With their help, I can hold myself accountable in sustaining the trajectory of my growth. Just as I've dedicated myself to honing my physical strength in the gym, I am equally devoted to nurturing the emotional muscles that underpin healthy, fulfilling relationships—communication, empathy, and vulnerability.


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